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Apr 17, 2014  Apache Hadoop 2.3 for Big Data Analytics. I am using windows 10 64bit and trying to install 3.0, setting environment variables did not resolve this issue.

Hadoop requires native libraries on Windows to work properly -that includes to access the file:// filesystem, where Hadoop uses some Windows APIs to implement posix-like file access permissions.

This is implemented in HADOOP.DLL and WINUTILS.EXE.

In particular, %HADOOP_HOME%BINWINUTILS.EXE must be locatable.

If it is not, Hadoop or an application built on top of Hadoop will fail.

This package (Script- Fu) provides a series of scripts that implement various layer effects, which include Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Satin, Color Overlay, Gradient Overlay, Pattern Overlay & Stroke. Problem with Script-Fu Bevel and Emboss. Anyway, I've been using the Bevel and Emboss for some time, and I was really happy with the results. But now, every time I try to use it, the bevel is sooo transparent, it can barely be seen. I put both opacities to 100%, but still nothing. I also tried resetting all the tools settings to default. Bevel and Emboss. Author: Iccii. PDB name: script-fu-layer-effects-bevel-and-emboss. Menu registration: /FX-Foundry/Layer Effects/Bevel and Emboss. Tags: layer, effects. Description: Create the Bevel and Emboss effects on the layer with alpha. Script Fu: Bevel and Emboss dialog box, click the Style: down arrow and select Emboss from the list. Change the Depth: to 5 and the Size: to 5. Click the OK button. Add an Emboss Effect to Text Text Effects Page 8 of 10 Notice the other options in the Style: dropdown. You can select an Inner or Outer Bevel or a Pillow Emboss. You can specify the thickness of the bevel, in pixels. Maximal thickness is 30 pixels. Work on copy. If checked, the filter creates a new window containing a copy of the image with the filter applied. The original image remains unchanged. Keep bump layer. When checked, you will keep the generated bumpmap as a new, not visible layer (below the. Bevel and emboss script fu.

How to fix a missing WINUTILS.EXE

You can fix this problem in two ways

  1. Install a full native windows Hadoop version. The ASF does not currently (September 2015) release such a version; releases are available externally.
  2. Or: get the WINUTILS.EXE binary from a Hadoop redistribution. There is a repository of this for some Hadoop versions on github.
Winutils.exe for windows 64 bit


  1. Set the environment variable %HADOOP_HOME% to point to the directory above the BIN dir containing WINUTILS.EXE.
  2. Or: run the Java process with the system property hadoop.home.dir set to the home directory.