In serial com data are transfers bit by bit from transmitter to receiver.,c program of serial communication of pic18f458 microcontroller. Sep 25, 2013  we know Simulation software is a main weapon of a design engineer. For that we use Mikcro C pro to write the embedded C program for PIC16F877. We used Proteus 7 Professional for simulation. And for simulation of our project serial communication with PIC 16f877 using UART, we replace COMPIM and MAX232 with Virtual UART Terminal.

Software Serial Example

Arduino and Genuino boards have built in support for serial communication on pins 0 and 1, but what if you need more serial ports? The SoftwareSerial Library has been developed to allow serial communication to take place on the other digital pins of your boards, using software to replicate the functionality of the hardwired RX and TX lines. This can be extremely helpful when the need arises to communicate with two serial enabled devices, or to talk with just one device while leaving the main serial port open for debugging purpose.

In the example below, digital pins 10 and 11 on your Arduino or Genuino boards are used as virtual RX and TX serial lines. The virtual RX pin is set up to listen for anything coming in on via the main serial line, and to then echo that data out the virtual TX line. Conversely, anything received on the virtual RX is sent out over the hardware TX.

Hardware Required

  • Arduino or Genuino Board


There is no circuit for this example. Make sure that your Arduino or Genuino board is attached to your computer via USB to enable serial communication through the serial monitor window of the Arduino Software (IDE).

image developed using Fritzing. For more circuit examples, see the Fritzing project page


image developed using Fritzing. For more circuit examples, see the Fritzing project page


See also

  • TwoPortReceive – Two serial ports that receive data switching from one to the other one when a special character is received.
  • MultiSerialMega - Use two of the serial ports available on the Arduino and Genuino Mega.
  • Serial Call Response - Send multiple vairables using a call-and-response (handshaking) method.
  • Serial Call Response ASCII - Send multiple variables using a call-and-response (handshaking) method, and ASCII-encode the values before sending.

Last revision 2018/05/17 by SM

In this article, we will show how to drive an LCD module using a PIC16F690 microcontroller.

Either a 2 row by 16 column LCD can be used or a 20x4. However, for this project we will only use 2 rows. We will make it countfrom 0 to 9 on the first line and then display the message 'Hello World' on the second line.

This type of circuit will form a base for all future projects involving LCDs.

We will use the popular and most used LCD, the HD44780. However, if you have any other LCD and you know the pinouts and connections, you can easily use that.

The HD44780 is a 16-pin device. Before we can hook it up and make connections with the PIC16F690, you have to know and be familiar with the HD44780 pinout, so we'll go over that thoroughly, so that the connections it makes with the microcontroller can be much easily understood.

As stated before, the HD44780 has 16 pins.

These are what all the pins are:

  1. Ground- This makes the ground connection for the power of the LCD. Ground serves as the return path for current for a device.
  2. Vcc- This is where we give DC voltage to the LCD so that it can power on. The HD44780 LCD needs between 3.3V to 5V.
  3. Contrast adjustment pin- This pin is used to change the contrast settings of the LCD to make it lighter or darker so that it can be more visible. For more in-depth information in understanding this pin, see HD44780 LCD- Contrast Adjustment Pin.
  4. Register Select (RS) pin- The register select pin determines whether the HD44780 will be in command mode (also called instruction mode) or data mode (also called character mode). When in instruction mode, the LCD will interpret the binary given it as instructions such as 'clear the display' or 'move the cursor'. When in data mode, the LCD will interpret the binary given it as characters, such as displaying a dollar sign ($). For more in-depth information on the RS pin, see HD44780 LCD- Register Select Pin.
  5. Read/Write Pin- This pin allows us to put the HD44780 in either read mode or write. Write mode is when we write to the LCD so that we can display a message on it. The less commonly used read mode allows us to read characters from the LCD that are displayed on it. For more in detail information on the read/write pin, see HD44780 LCD- Read/Write (R/W) Pin.
  6. Clock (Enable) Pin- The clock enable pin is the pin which enables the clock of the LCD to be triggered (turned on) so that the LCD can execute instructions that are given it. The HD44780 is a device that runs on a clock. It needs this clock to know when to execute instructions. It is a falling edge-triggered clock, which means it executes instructions on the falling edge of a clock signal. This pin must receive voltage in order to work. For more information on the clock enable pin, see HD44780 LCD- Clock Enable Pin.
  7. Bit 0 (Not used in 4-bit operation)
  8. Bit 1 (Not used in 4-bit operation)
  9. Bit 2 (Not used in 4-bit operation)
  10. Bit 3 (Not used in 4-bit operation)
  11. Bit 4
  12. Bit 5
  13. Bit 6
  14. Bit 7
  15. Backlight Anode (+)- This is where we apply DC voltage to if we want the backlight of the LCD to be lit. The operating voltage for LEDbacklights are 5V for full brightness.
  16. Backlight Cathode (-)- This is where you connect the ground of the DC voltage for the LCD backlights. For more information on powering the backlights, see HD44780 LCD- Powering the Backlights.

So now you have a good rundown of what each pin of the HD44780 is and does. We will explain in detail what pins of the HD44780 get connected to what pins of the PIC16F690 microcontroller.

We will connect the HD44780 LCD in 4-bit mode. This means we only use pins DB4-DB7 as the data lines. We will not use DB0 to DB3, so these will be left unconnected. This makes for less connections and makes the circuit easier to hook up.

LCD Circuit Schematic


The circuit we will build is shown below:

Connections fromthe PIC16F690 to the HD44780 LCD
PIC16F690 HD44780LCD
RA1ClockEnable Pin (Pin 6)
RA2 RegisterSelect Pin (Pin 4)
RC0DB4(Pin 11)
RC1DB5(Pin 12)
RC2DB6(Pin 13)
RC3DB7(Pin 14)

Vdd of the PIC16F690 connects to 5V in order for the chip to get adequate voltage to power on. Vss of PIC16F690 connects to ground. These 2 are the power pins of the microcontroller.

For the LCD to power on, it is the same concept. Vdd connects to +5V of power and Vss connects to ground. Vdd is pin 2 and Vss is pin 1.


The contrast adjustment pin, Pin 3, of the LCD connects to ground. If we wanted to provide contrast, we could connect to a potentiometer, but for this circuit's sake, we will simply hook it up to ground. It shouldn't provide any issues with seeing the screen. Contrast is usually not a problem.

The read/write (R/W) pin also connects to ground. When the RW pin is connected to ground, the LCD is in write mode. We always want it in write mode for this circuit, because we will only write characters to the LCD. We do not want to read the values from the LCD, so we don't want it in read mode ever.

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The data lines simply connect from microcontroller to LCD through jumper wires, with no resistors necessary.

We will not connect the backlights of the LCD in this circuit.

LCD Code

The software consists of several C files. The main.c controls the overall project. Pause.c and msecbase.c files are used as axiliary files that make function definitions. The only header file that was used is lcd.h.

This code will interface to a standard LCD controller like the Hitachi HD44780. It uses it in 4 bit mode.

#include 'lcd.h'
void pause (unsigned short usvalue); //Establish pause routine function
_CONFIG (INITIO & WDTDIS & MCLRDIS & UNPROTECT); //this sets the internal clock on, watchdog off, MCLR Off, and code unprotected
#define number 0x30
unsigned char b0;
void main (void) {
ANSEL=0; //This code sets PORTA to all digital
CM1CON0= 0;
CM2CON0= 0;
TRISA= 0; //sets all PORTA outputs
TRISC= 0; //sets all PORTC outputs
lcd_init();//this initializes the LCD display
while (1){
lcd_clear();//this clears the LCD
lcd_goto(0); //selects the first line of the LCD
for (b0=0; b0<10; b0++) {
lcd_putch(b0+number); //this displays a count on the LCD
pause(250); //delays 250 milliseconds between count
lcd_goto(0x40); //selects the second line on the LCD
lcd_puts('Hello World'); //displays the line, Hello World
pause(1000); //creates 1 second delay


This code above declares and defines many functions that we will need and use to operate our LCD. In essence, all of these supporting C files define some type of code that is used in main.c. They are auxiliary pages.


This is the only header file that is used for the software for controlling and outputting data to the LCD.


This code creates a multiple multisecond delay routine. This code allows us to use the pause() function in our main.c


This msecbase.C code creates a 1 msec pause routine. This allows us to have a 1 millisecond pause in our program. To do this, we must set the internal timer, timer 0, of the PIC16F690 chip correctly to produce a 1ms delay. The internal oscillator is set to 4MHz and the internal instruction clock is set to 1/4 of the oscillator. This makes the internal instruction clock 1MHz, which is 1 microsecond per clock pulse. Using the 1:4 prescaler on the clock input to Timer0 slows the Timer0 count increment to 1 count/4μs. Therefore 250 counts of the Timer0 would make a 1 millisecond delay (250 * 4μs). But there are other instructions in the delay loop so using the MPLAB stopwatch, we find that we need Timer0 to overflow at 243 clock ticks. Preset Timer0 to 13 (0D hex) to make Timer0 overflow at 243 clock ticks (256-13 = 243). This results in a 1.001 millisecond delay, which is close enough to 1.

So these are the hardware connections and software needd to output and display data on an LCD.